Tune in as you want to hear it

Ephrata Gezahegn
2 min readJun 24, 2020

Both positive and negative thinking are contagious
-Stephen Richards

We’ve all are familiar with the fact that we are formed from our community(nurture) and or being(nature). If you live in a society who is rebellious and believes that revenge is better than forgiveness and Is full of negative thoughts you might catch what they have because it’s the only topic you hear for ages, and you can’t blame them because that’s what they heard too. And, if you live in a society where compassion, love, and positive thoughts are there you might catch that. Where ever we are we might catch what the other peoples have been thinking and talking about. We tune our self based on the common thoughts, that’s why I say both the positive and the negative thinking are contagious In one way or another all of us affect the people we live with and even meet. This happens automatically and on an unconscious level, through thoughts.

I’ve read an amazing story that relates to what I am trying to say. the story goes like, there were Two twin Boys were raised by an alcoholic father, one grew up to be an alcoholic and when asked what happened he said: “I watched my father”. the other one grew up to never drink once and when asked why he said: “I watched my father”. two boys, same father, two different perspectives in life. their decisions in life are tuned according to what they want, the negative background is contagious you can see that from the one but you can’t from the other. His ability to hear and adjust to his own for good came from his will to change his future.

Our ability to catch what our environment has can be tuned, treated as to what we want because that can be contagious too.

Watch your thoughts; they become words, watch your words; they become actions, watch your actions; they become habits, watch your habits; they become a character, watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

